Migrate to v0.5.x

If previously using a script tag to import OneSchema, please update the url as follows:

<script src="https://d3ah8o189k1llu.cloudfront.net/oneschema-importer-0.5.latest.min.js"></script>

In version >= 0.5, error payloads are Objects, rather than strings.

If you are using the Javascript importer, you will need to update the code that listens to the "error" event:

// Before
importer.on("error", (message) => {  

// After
importer.on("error", (error) => {  

If you are using the React importer, you will need to update the onError callback that's passed in:

// Before
  onError={(message) => console.log(message)}

// After
  onError={(error) => console.log(error.message)}